
WRITING Reimagined

You wouldn’t know it by his gritty, streetwise nature, but what Greg does best is bring emotion and energy to life through the written word. Abstract and elegant, he draws audiences in with his bold, poetic style; they love, fight, cry, and celebrate along with the characters as though the story was unfolding before their very eyes.

Inspired by everything from Dale Earnhardt to the gothic cathedrals towering over Paris and Rome, Greg is the world’s most unlikely writer. With an intellect, defined early on by years of failing grades, a high school English teacher who began pushing him beyond his bad boy comfort zone recognized his secret love of literature, forever changing his life. After conquering Mrs. Lange’s honors class his senior year, he shelved his passion for writing unless friends and family asked him to pen their holiday or anniversary cards. Seeing people moved by his words always made Greg smile, but the idea of sharing his stories with the world forever seemed impossible.

Fast forward to 2018. A conversation with his cousin about an almost forgotten family tragedy got him thinking about those with comparable stories with nowhere to turn but to the unthinkable. A year later, a chance encounter moved him to step out of the shadows and rediscover his passion for writing. Three gut-wrenching years later, YELLOW NOVA was complete. But this isn't a story he wanted to tell. This is a story he had to tell. Since that fateful moment, Greg knew he had created a reading experience vastly different from established publishing traditions. However, this is only the beginning. 

Driven to confront his demons after losing three family members to suicide, Greg writes to find meaning in the mysteries of life. He writes to manifest his dreams into reality. He writes because in those moments he's free, bound only by the confines of his imagination. 

Greg is a true romantic at heart, a study of contrasts, fueled by a burning desire to bare his soul like no storyteller before him. An impassioned blend of insight and intensity, his love of coloring outside the lines, comes second only to spending time with his beloved family and friends, which includes a handsome pup named Diesel, a distinguished orange tabby named Wildman, and Houdini the magical black cat. And when this Southern California original isn't busy shredding a motocross track, he enjoys watching classic monster movies, surfing, and getting lost in a timeless piece of music.

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